Tue 22 October | 12:00 - 22:00 | Proximus Lounge Fitce Mobile Congress
5G Advances for Belgium

What is happening in the Belgian market on 5G? How is the rollout advancing, and what are successful business cases? The event on mobile communication in Belgium.

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What are the key technical evolutions to expect in the coming year? What is missing and how could 6G help solving some bottlenecks. What about sustainability of our networks, today and tomorrow?


What is the status of regulation and the role of the different governments in Belgium? How can we ensure the technology can be deployed efficiently? What are other challenges Belgian players face in their ambition to advance 5G? More than 10 top-level speakers will share their view, plans and experiences in live presentations during the different sessions of the event. The event ends with a reception and walking dinner to network with both speakers and more than 200 attendees active in the mobile market today. 

Speaker details

Dhruv Anand
Network Exposure Portfolio Sales Manager Ericsson
Liesbet Van der Perre
Professor at KU Leuven
Blago Gjorgijevski
Tribe Lead Network & Wholesale at Telenet
Mitch De Geest
Executive Director at DIGI
Lotte Abildgaard
Director of Public Policy at GSMA
Ingrid Van de Voorde
Location Leader at Nokia Bell Labs Belgium
Stefaan Vyverman
Executive Board Member BIPT
Volker Ricker
Director Outdoor Wireless networks PLM & Business development at CommScope
Aurelio Nocerino
Cloud First Networks Europe Lead at Accenture
Geert Standaert
Chief Technology Officer - Member of the Executive Committee at Proximus
Bastien Bianchi
Director Core Network & Infrastructure Solutions at Orange
José María Pindado Buendía
Business Development Manager for 5G & RF at EXFO
Werner De Laet
Chief Enterprise & Innovation Officer Orange
Jurgen De Klerck
5G Mobile Private Network Business Development at Proximus NXT
Robin Leblon
CTO at Citymesh
Sofie Pollin
Professor at KU Leuven, FITCE.be President

Event Schedule

12:00 - Welcome

Coffee & sandwiches

13:00 - Welcome & keynote speeches

What is the status of 5G in Belgium and how does that compare to the rest of Europe? What is the role of the government? How important is 6G today and what should it focus on?

  • Welcome 
      by Sofie Pollin, FITCE.be  (📺 more on branding)
  • 5G advances and the policy environment 
      by Lotte Abildgaard, GSMA Europe (📺 more)
  • Navigating the 5G landscape: current status and strategic actions for advancing the 5G experience 
      by Stefaan Vyverman, BIPT (📺 more)
  • Envisioning a 6G future 
      by Ingrid Van de Voorde, Nokia Bell Labs Belgium (📺 more)

14:10 - Unleashing the value of 5G

How are operators monetizing 5G? What about key use cases, and next steps? What about private spectrum. And how valuable is sustainability?

  • Unveiling the 5G Frontier
      by Jurgen De Klerck, Proximus
  • Key learnings from 5G pilots and SENSE project
      by Robin Leblon, Citymesh 
  • A 5G private network requires a clear and compelling business plan 
      by Werner De Laet, Orange
  • Sustainability challenges and 5G: foes or friends?
      by Liesbet Van der Perre, KU Leuven

15:10 - Coffee break

16:00 - 5G key technology enablers demystified

We continue with technology updates. What is O-RAN? What is the role of Wi-Fi? How to deploy 5G cells? What about exposure and how can technology help?

  • API Exposure in 5G
      by Dhruv Anand, Ericsson
  • Demystification of OpenRAN integration
      by Kamil Mierzwa, Accenture
  • Monetizing 5G network architectures streamlining maintenance with optimized methods of procedure
      by José María Pindado Buendía, EXFO
  • The cell site of the future
      by Volker Ricker, CommScope

17:00 - Panel Session "Accelerating 5G advances" (📺 more)

Panel with our operators and regulator. A glimpse on unlocking business opportunities, the roadmap and impact beyond 5G today. 

  • Geert Standaert, Chief Technology Officer - Member of the Executive Committee at Proximus
  • Bastien Bianchi, Director Core Network & Infrastructure Solutions at Orange
  • Blago Gjorgijevski, Tribe Lead Network & Wholesale at Telenet
  • Mitch De Geest, Executive Director at DIGI
  • Stefaan Vyverman, Executive Board Member at BIPT - IBPT

18:00 - Reception & walking dinner

Practical info

Date & time
Tue 22 October 2024
12:00 - 22:00
Proximus Lounge Route description
Stroobantsstraat 51
1140 Evere
Price: € 465,00 excl. VAT
Members: € 325,00 excl. VAT
Students: € 175,00 VAT incl.
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Cancellation will be allowed without penalty until two weeks before the event. After this date a charge of 25% of the attendance fee will be made regardless the reason of the cancellation. Notice of cancellation must be sent by e-mail to info@fitce.be.

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Fitce.be is the Belgium-based broadband connectivity and services organisation, that focuses on knowledge sharing and networking.
We bring together industry professionals and academics to exchange views and gain new insights into the developments and challenges related to the technical, regulatory, societal, and economic aspects of broadband – both fixed and mobile.
During our in-person and virtual events, we explore important trends in the field and discuss evolutions on the international stage, and how they translate to the Belgian content.

Fitce.be is the Belgian branch of the European Fitce.eu umbrella federation.

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