Early bird registration for the 63rd international FITCE Congress is open now!
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This year we meet with friends and colleagues from all over Europe in the wonderful historical city of Krakow in Poland. The congress theme is very to-the-point with the current international situation: New technologies and services for cybersecurity opportunities and threats. Meet your colleagues in an informal setting fostering friendship and exchange of ideas and experiences. It will be worthwhile for sure. Be there!
Of course, we are all curious to hear about your experiences and we hope you submit articles and presentations to fuel the discussion.
We expect your submissions by 30 May at the latest. (More info: Call for Papers & Submission)
Mind that doing so may bring you eternal fame. Or at least recognition from your colleagues and peers.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Marc Verbruggen
President FITCE Europe
Member Board of Directors FITCE.be
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Fitce.be is the Belgium-based broadband connectivity and services organisation, that focuses on knowledge sharing and networking.
We bring together industry professionals and academics to exchange views and gain new insights into the developments and challenges related to the technical, regulatory, societal, and economic aspects of broadband – both fixed and mobile.
During our in-person and virtual events, we explore important trends in the field and discuss evolutions on the international stage, and how they translate to the Belgian content.
Fitce.be is the Belgian branch of the European Fitce.eu umbrella federation.
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