Thu 25 May | 17:00 - 22:00 | iGent Toren Cloud - the road ahead
Cloud computing for Telecom and IT

Cloud computing technology has been gaining popularity and impact in the industry. This event will provide insights in the basic concepts, use cases and implementation strategies. By experts in the field.

Cloud computing technology has been gaining popularity and impact in telecom, IT and business industry in the last decade. While this trending technology clearly has many attractive benefits beyond traditional connectivity services, it also comes with significant challenges for the telecom business. 


This spring event will provide insights in the major concepts, use cases and implementation strategies. Experts in the field will unveil the power of cloud solutions as a business enabler for extending existing and/or introducing new telecom services and associated key challenges from different angles: the network operator's point of view versus cybersecurity and sustainability perspectives. 

Speaker details

Rolf Albrecht
Enterprise Head of Private Wireless Europe Nokia
Frederic Vander Sande
Vice President at Capgemini Invent
Wouter Joosen
Professor KULeuven
Ingrid Moerman
Professor IDLab-UGent-imec
Bruno Volckaert
Professor IDLab-UGent-imec
Price: € 325,00  | Members: € 225,00  | Students: € 80,00

Event Schedule

17:00 - Registration
17:45 - Welcome and introduction
by Ingrid Moerman (professor imec - IDLab - UGent & board member)
18:00 - Tutorial
This tutorial will explore current trends and evolutions in the cloud-native paradigm shift. It showcases the challenges and opportunities in adopting cloud-native technologies, gives practical examples of how these are transforming IT and networking, and peeks into what the future holds. From on-premise clustering solutions to public cloud offerings and hybrid constellations, cloud computing plays a critical infrastructural role, enabling always-on applications and limitless scalability. This constantly evolving landscape is driving advancements in areas such as machine learning and Internet-of-Things applications.
State of the Cloud: trends and evolutions on the road to cloud-native
   Bruno Volckaert (professor imec - IDLab - UGent)
18:20 - Keynote Talks
Experts in the field will zoom in 3 major challenges: (1) Deployment and operational aspects of a private campus network, (2) Cybersecurity challenges & solutions, and (3) Sustainability aspects.
Campus Private Wireless, Far beyond Connectivity… The Mission Critical Industrial Edge
   Rolf Albrecht (Enterprise Head of Private Wireless Europe - Nokia)
This talk discusses a solution for Cloud centric private wireless/mission critical edge with pre-integrated applications and devices, designed for enterprises with DevOps deployment/operations for business critical processes in secure environments.
Cybersecurity and cloud computing: Strengths, threats and opportunities
   Wouter Joosen (professor - KULeuven)
Cybersecurity has been perceived as a major concern for some skeptical stakeholders who may not wish to shift all too easily to cloud computing. Yet we all shift –  for convincing reasons. In this presentation, we analyze the security benefits that come with cloud computing, without ignoring the risk that remains: what are major and remaining challenges? Can we turn some of these into opportunities?
Networks on Cloud: A clearer and cleaner advantage?
   Frederic Vander Sande (VP Telecom, Media & Entertainement - Capgemini)
In its recent report, Capgemini Research Institute highlighted that nearly a half of telco network capacity will be entirely cloud-native in the next 3-5 years. The presentation will discuss this upcoming transformation and associated challenges and opportunities.
19:05 - Panel Session & Closing
Panel Session / Q&A
    Challenge the speakers with your concrete questions and thoughts.
    Share own experiences with the audience
    With outlook to upcoming events and events of partner organisations with member benefits explained
19:30 - Networking reception & Walking Dinner

Practical info

Date & time
Thu 25 May 2023
17:00 - 22:00
iGent Toren Route description
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126, 9052 Gent
Price: € 325,00 excl. VAT
Members: € 225,00 excl. VAT
Students: € 80,00 VAT incl.
Buy ticket
Cancellation policy

Cancellation will be allowed without penalty until two weeks before the event. After this date a charge of 25% of the attendance fee will be made regardless the reason of the cancellation. Notice of cancellation must be sent by e-mail to

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